Cancel a Reservation

The Cancel a Reservation command feature in the Reservations Menu area opens the Select Stay to Cancel screen, allowing you to search for and select an existing reservation to cancel.

Depending on your system configuration, you may also have the Cancel a Reservation command feature available in your Quick Menu.

Alternately, you can cancel a reservation while viewing the Stay Information by clicking the Cancel this Reservation icon from the local toolbar in the Folio screen.

When canceling a reservation you will be able to enter information on why it is being canceled, on the Cancel Stay screen.

Once the stay has been canceled Skyware Systems will confirm the cancellation and provide a cancellation confirmation number.

The Stay's status will also change to CANC.

Note: The Folio record will NOT be removed from the system.





A canceled reservation may be reinstated to become an active reservation again. Thus if a reservation was canceled by mistake, the error can be easily corrected.


Any cancellations can be viewed using the Cancellation Report, which shows all your reservations originally booked for a specified date range that have since been canceled.

Note: This report does NOT show cancellations that occurred that have been subsequently reinstated.


Date Updated December 20, 2021